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Aims & Objectives


The provision of services to young men and women, between the ages of 6 -25 and up to veterans in all areas of LBTH and surrounding boroughs, with the aim to develop a rich multi-cultural membership. At the same time targeting those who are unemployed, underachieving at or excluded from school, and those who are socially excluded.                 


To provide a diverse programme of sporting activities, suitable for both young men and women with an intention of giving, particularly disaffected, vulnerable young people a sense of purpose, identity and achievement.  


To promote Diversity and Harmony and Co-operation amongst all communities and groups of whatever race, creed, gender, age, sexual orientation and to foster shared interests and goals.


To create a physically stimulating environment, this will channel energy and relieve stress.  


To enable young people to bridge the gaps between peer groups from different backgrounds, areas and cultures while in pursuit of common interests.


To promote better understanding, unity and harmony instead of strife.  


To create a positive team spirit and identity in order to foster healthy competition rather than hostility and violence. (h) Through regular physical training, improved diet and abstention from substance abuse to improve overall health and an ongoing healthy lifestyle to maximise young people’s physical potential.  


To provide positive role models and mentors to work with disaffected youths in order to encourage their access to other support services, not least of all sporting activities, in order to reduce the “risk” of involvement in drug use, criminal activities, and violent conflict with other similar groups.  


To foster self-discipline and control by building team skills and promoting a healthy life-style to develop young people’s potential, both physical and mental.


To foster and promote team sports and self-belief amongst young people to help them to maximise their potential, self-belief and aspiration.  


To encourage and to involve parents and extended family in supporting their young players and also in the development of the organisation, particularly with a view to narrowing the generation gap and developing shared interests and understanding.


These aims and objectives are broad reflecting the organisations desire to respond to the varied needs of the community and contribute to its overall development, progress and prosperity.


The broadness of the objectives also enables the organisation to evolve to offer a range of activities and services in addition to the health and sports provisions it is currently delivering.


This implies that changes to its objects are not a prerequisite to expanding the work into other fields, if it so desires. But in the case of VCSA (as with other voluntary sector organisations), the activities that it chooses to entertain are underpinned by some core values


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