Tower Hamlets Homes Summer activities
Our partnership with Tower Hamlets Homes continued this summer with a joint summer programme. For 6 weeks there was estate based activities at 3 locations in the Globe Town area which was Bancroft, Wellington and Meath Gardens. The programs was targeted at young people aged 11 to 25 years old and to engage them in activities to prevent them from getting involved in anti-social behaviour and to keep them occupied during the summer holidays. Throughout the summer there were a total of 100 participants involved. On the last day at the Wellington Estate Pizza and snacks were given out to the young people.
Vallance chairman Shuhel Ahmed said “It was another great program held during the summer. We had 6 volunteers help out with the staff and got more young people to sign up as volunteers throughout the summer. We also worked closely with the Tenants Residence Association (TRA) on the 3 estates”.